Welcome to The Cambridge Stroke Group

The Cambridge Stroke Group is a support group for all stroke survivors in Cambridgeshire. The group, a small charity run entirely by volunteers, was created with the joining together of Different Strokes, Cambridge and The Stroke Association to help provide a comprehensive support group for all those, of any age, who have had a stroke or similar injury

The Cambridge Stroke Group provides support and a lifeline to its members, helping to transform their lives and speed up recovery after a stroke by gaining independence, establishing new friendships and experiencing new activities.

The aim of the group is to provide a meeting place in a friendly and caring environment for people who have had a stroke, and their families, carers and friends. It is a place away from the hospital that offers emotional and social support to stroke survivors and a chance to meet others who have also experienced the potentially devastating effects of having had a stroke.

Our drop-in meetings are calm, friendly and informal and everyone is welcome to pop in for refreshments and a chat.

We are currently meeting every Thursday afternoon between 12pm – 3pm at the Shelford Rugby Club, Great Shelford CB2 5JU

Please note there is now a Stroke Group in St Ives (Cambridgeshire). Go to Latest News for more details.

 For any further information please email us on cambridgeshirestrokegroup@gmail.com


February 13th: TBD

February 20th: Debbie – Glass Blowing

March 6th: TBD

March 13th: Exercise with Tony

March 20th: TBD

March 27th: Linda – Bingo

April 3rd: Exercise with Tony

Please email us at info@cambridgestrokegroup.co.uk if you have any questions

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